Saturday, November 29, 2008

Day 5 & 6: Knoxville -> Salem, VA -> D.C.

It was too cold to stop at the only reason to go to Natural Bridge, VA (the natural bridge...) but Foam-henge was on the way. And here it is. A foam replica of Stonehenge. In Virginia.

And so we rest for a bit in our Nation's Capital. Relaxing at the hotel, hey wait! Who's chewing on my hat! I need that for travels!

Graceland, Graceland, Memphis, TN

Stopped for a brief Sunday morning stroll outside Graceland, with katt in car, we could only pay our respects and then back on the road. Blue Suede Gnomey-out!

Day 4: Hazen->Knoville, TN (530 miles)

Elephantitis of the tree.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Day 3: Elk City-> Hazen, AR (448 miles)

After a surprisingly good night of sleep in the worst motel room in America, we hit the road to finish out Oklahoma and head into Arkansas.

Ah yes, Arkansas. That's about all one can say about that.

Day 2: Winslow -> Elk City, OK (717 miles)

Here we are crossing the Continental Divide in NM... rainfall to the east of this line flows to the Mississippi River (and such, the Atlantic), to the west the Pacific Ocean. Which really means the Colorado River, which really means it goes directly to the lush lawns of Angelenos and the fountains of the Bellagio in Vegas.

Ah yes, if you ever wish to visit the worst motel in America, please head directly to the Elk City Super 8. I will certainly be notifying the Oklahoma Board of Health regarding some of the disgraceful conditions I witnessed here. Unlike the Winslow Super 8, Elk City needs some serious shaping up. And more teeth. A lot more teeth.

Back in the saddle!

Burbank, CA -> Winslow, AZ 534 miles
Or the Crown Royal bag as the case may be. We are pointed east again, this time with special guest correspondent: Mo. Tomte öch katt, together like gypsies! First stop: Winslow, AZ... too cold to be standing on the corner, but we did sing Eagles songs in the hotel room for the fun of it.