Wednesday, July 30, 2008

On the road again!

And here we are, back in the vehicle... again (well we have to get back somehow...) I plan to spend most of the trip hiding out here in my new sleeping bag:

first stop: Berkshires to visit with friend Becky at Tanglewood. Nice evening on the back porch listening to John Williams conduct movie night (Steven Spielberg even showed up!)

Next day, down the Taconic to Brooklyn to hang with the Benders for a night. (If anyone needs a bridge, I can sell you one real cheap...)

Day 3, back to Erie... again... for more Heather and more hot wings.
(Cleveland rocks, btw...)

And then on to Chicago for a quick sisterly visit. (Go Cubbies!)

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Erie, PA->Auburn, MA (429 mi)
Ah yes, this is the life... finally out of the car and here in the cradle of liberty (or rocketry) also known as Auburn, MA. And this is where you shall find Gnomey for the next few weeks, poolside, working on my tan. Viva vacation all!

(Total W->E mileage: 4,854 mi)

Saturday, July 5, 2008

East Bound and Down

Provo->WY->Kearney, NE (806 mi)
Finally, we are heading east! Left Provo this am after a spectacular 4th show at BYU. Fireworks! Dancing children! Glenn Beck! Oh so exciting. Now we're heading through Wyoming today: (sights to see: a tree growing out of a rock and greetings from Buford, WY, yes, population: 1... not sure how many gnomes though.) On to Nebraska, Iowa and then straight on to Chi-town!

NE->IA->Chicago (682 mi)

Chicago->IN->OH->Erie, PA (458 mi)

Friday, July 4, 2008


Salt Lake City->Provo, UT (45 mi)
Greetings from Brigham Young University! It is nice to be in one place for more than a few hours... Here we await the big 4th of July show: "Stadium of Fire!" (and yes in that photo on the left, if you look on the mountains, you can see snow. Down here on the ground, it's been closer to 100º) Maybe I will even get to meet MILEY CYRUS. So suck it, children! And I didn't even have to mortgage my house or sell my car to get access. All I had to do was to tag along to the biggest show in Utah... for a week... a long, long week.
(But if I had stayed home I would have missed this clip: Theme Song!)

And missed this: 1300 teenage girls all dancing in unison. In the 95º heat. For 10 hours a day. Five, six, seven, eight, ladies! I see someone off beat in row 44!

Saturday we'll be back on the long road to Chi-town. See you then!